Volkovysk College of the Educational Establishment "Yanka Kupala State University of Grodno"

History of Volkovysk College in dates:

1940 - the foundation of the Volkovysk Pedagogical School. Worked one year before the war.

1944 - the Pedagogical College resumed its work. On September 20, classes for 101 students started here. There were 11 teachers.

1946 - the first graduation of the Volkovysk Pedagogical School. 16 graduates were awarded the qualification "Primary school teacher".

1982 - a modern school building was built. Training began on the specialty "Labor training" (servicing labor)

1997 - started the training in the specialty "Teaching a foreign language" (English).

2002 - Volkovysk Pedagogical School was reorganized into the educational establishment "Volkovysk State Pedagogical College". Training started on the specialty "Foreign Language" (German)

2003 - training started on the specialty "Technology (servicing labor). Fine Arts. "

2004 - the establishment of education "Volkovysk State Pedagogical College" was reorganized into The Volkovysk Pedagogical College of the Educational Establishment "Yanka Kupala State University of Grodno"

2006 - the Volkovysk Pedagogical College of the educational institution "Yanka Kupala State University of Grodno" was reorganized into the Volkovysk College of the Educational Establishment "Yanka Kupala State University of Grodno"

2008 - training of specialists in the specialty "Design (Graphic)", "Tourism and Hospitality"

2010 - training of specialists in the specialty "Preschool education"

Our Departments:

• FOREIGN LANGUAGE (English, German)
• TECHNOLOGY (servicing labor). FINE ARTS
• DESIGN (graphic)

Among the large number of educational services provided by our college, there is one specific - the training of foreign students. Today, the most popular and sought-after specialty, attractive for foreigners, is English. From year to year we receive applicants from Turkmenistan who get a full-fledged education, and then go to work in their homeland or in other countries. Our diploma has a pedagogical status, therefore first of all our graduates can realize themselves in the sphere of education. If in the future there is a desire to work as an interpreter, then it will be much easier to study somewhere in the new specialty, having the basic knowledge obtained in Volkovysk.

Why is the Volkovysk College attractive for our guests who travel here for a thousand kilometers? First of all, low cost of training! Today, it is 1200-1300 USD per year. This is significantly less than in similar colleges in other countries. The duration of training is 2 years 10 months. Applicants are accepted on the basis of complete secondary education. All foreigners are provided with a comfortable hostel. During the stay in our country a full package of social guarantees, including medical is available for each student. At the end of the training, they get a diploma of the international type. Come to us to learn English, we will always welcome you!

Interview with the director of the college

The entrance of the college into the university formed the basis for its further development, expansion of the range of specialties and specializations. The mechanism of continuous professional training of specialists with higher education from among graduates of the college in shortened terms of training in all specialties: "Primary education", "Preschool education", "Foreign language", "Serving labor and fine arts", "Tourism and hospitality" , "Design". More than 80 percent of our graduates annually become students not only of the Yanka Kupala State University of Grodno, but also of other institutions of higher education of the Republic of Belarus.

In 2012, the college successfully passed certification and today works in the conditions of the quality management system. The quality management system for designing and providing services for training specialists with secondary specialized education, conducting educational work meets the requirements of STB ISO 2001-2009.

The implemented quality management system allowed to provide effective management of the main processes, to optimize the activities of structural units, to plan and analyze the effectiveness of the implementation of specific targets. An annual monitoring of the satisfaction of employers, graduates, employees trained in the quality of training of specialists is conducted, the results of which reveal the main problems, predict risk factors, and carry out preventive and corrective actions.

The priority direction in the activity of the college is to provide quality training for specialists in demand on the labor market. In this regard, great importance is given to practical training. Future experts should not only give a theory, but also create conditions for its practical implementation. Everything that is set out in the textbooks, must be fixed in practice.

Graduates of the pedagogical college always differed and were strong in practical training, so we try to support this tradition by working closely with the administration of education, sports and tourism of the Volkovysk District Executive Committee in selecting the bases of practice with a high level of material and technical potential. Annually, master classes, workshops, creative presentations, visiting teachers' councils with the participation of managers and specialists of basic organizations are held. In the educational institutions, separate practical classes on private methods are also conducted, where students under the guidance of the teacher test theoretical knowledge in practice.

Distribution of graduates in all specialties is 100%. Specialists of the departments and departments of education of the region, other organizations and institutions that offer places and conditions for employment are invited to attend the meetings of the distribution committee. In the last 3 years, the number of applications is much higher than the actual number of graduates-teachers of primary classes, foreign languages, pre-school educators. Individual students of final courses are transferred to an individual training plan, as they work in organizations, institutions in accordance with the specialty.

The pedagogical staff of the college totals 68 people. 72% of teachers have the highest qualification category. One candidate of sciences, 11 masters work in the college. 3 persons study at graduate school, master's program. For the last 3 years, the updating of the teaching staff was 17 people. Along with experienced teachers there are young teachers who borrow and continue the best traditions of the institution of education. It should be noted that among the pedagogical staff 15 persons are graduates of Volkovysk Pedagogical College.

The activity of the Scientific Society of Students and Teachers is successfully developing, with 6 scientific circles working on various issues: "Linguistic aspects of literary translation", "Environmental problems of the region", "Interactive learning", "Problems of educational autonomy in teaching a foreign language" "Innovative technologies of artistic processing of materials."

Students under the guidance of teachers conduct research work, prepare scientific reports, study the effectiveness of modern educational technologies, innovative forms, methods of work. Annually, the college conducts scientific and practical conferences with the participation of teachers and students. So, in 2014, 2 conferences were held on the problems "Formation of professional competencies for future specialists", "Modern educational technologies in the system of professional training of specialists", in which 36 teachers and 22 students took part.

The experience of methodical and research activity is reflected in publications in periodicals, the methodological collection "Bulletin of Volkovysk College", in republican exhibitions of scientific and methodological literature and pedagogical experience marked by diplomas of the Ministry of Education of the Republic of Belarus.

For four years the college took part in the international project TETVET "Training and advanced training of teachers of the disciplines in tourism in the Republic of Belarus", within the framework of which in 2014 a coordination meeting and a training workshop took place with participation of representatives from Germany, Italy, the Czech Republic and Slovakia.

The college is open for gifted and talented young people. Annually pupils participate in the republican Olympiad in academic subjects. For the last three years, 22 persons became winners of the second stage, 4 persons - the third stage, 2 persons - the fourth final stage of the republican Olympiad. 5 teachers of the college were awarded with the prize of the President of the Republic of Belarus for their special contribution to the development of talented students and students. 3 students became laureates of the prize of the President's special fund for the social support of gifted students.

The college is famous for its traditions, the main of which is the provision of high quality training of specialists. Time dictates its conditions. Undoubtedly, the contingent of students has changed. The number of applicants significantly decreased due to the demographic situation in the country. At the same time, the college is still one of the leading educational institutions in the region to train teaching staff. Studying in it is a good life start for the construction and further continuation of the individual educational trajectory.

One of the traditions is travelling and excursions around Belarus, to the countries of near and far. Annually educational trips of educational, intercultural communication are organized to Germany, Great Britain, France, Italy, the Czech Republic and other countries.

The pride of the college is our graduates. Today, there are more than 15 thousand of them, successfully working as the heads of educational institutions, teachers, educators, teachers of additional education, as well as in government bodies, in other organizations. We honorably continue the long and glorious tradition of meeting with alumni. This year we gladly invite and expect graduates for another alumni party, which will be held on March 24 at 17.00.

The college continues to live and work in a development mode. In 2018, admission to the college will be carried out in the specialties "Primary Education", "Preschool Education", "Foreign Language (English, German)", "Serving Labor and Fine Arts" on the average score of the document on education, specializing in "Design (graphic ) ", applicants are passing a creative exam in drawing.

We invite graduates of gymnasiums and schools to our college. A college where everyone feels cozy and warm, where they will get help to become successful, where creativity, kindness and love live.

I wish my native college to flourish and get talented students. Congratulations to all those who worked and are working now, studied, are studying and will study at Volkovysk College!

College mission

Ensuring the quality of training specialists, in demand on the labor market.

Vision of the development of the college

Increase in demand and quality of training of specialists will be provided by concentrating efforts in the following areas:

• implementation of practice-oriented education;
• increase the proportion of teachers who have the first and highest qualification categories.
• rejuvenation of the staff of the college with highly qualified specialists with pedagogical experience, including the best graduates of the college;
• attraction to the college of the most active and prepared graduates of schools, participants and winners of subject Olympiads, creative competitions;
• organization of activities of the Scientific Society of students and teachers, scientific and creative circles;
• improving the material and technical base, improving the information support of the educational process.

The increase of the authority and competitiveness of the college in the region will be achieved by the development of the following areas:

• deepening of integration processes in the structure and content of training specialists in the conditions of continuing education of graduates in all specialties;
• ensuring the effectiveness of participation of students, teachers in republican (international) Olympiads, contests, shows, exhibitions, conferences, etc .;
• introduction of effective educational technologies and dissemination of advanced pedagogical experience through publications in republican periodicals;
• the organization of educational services for specific target groups of entrants and students;
• holding competitions, sports competitions, cultural events with the participation of future entrants.

Ensuring the personal formation of students as professionals and class-conscious citizens is based on the principles of human and nature value in the upbringing, technology and computerization of the educational process on the basis of:

• the optimal combination of educational potentials, laid down in the humanistic, personally oriented, personality-activity, competence, cultural and systemic approaches to upbringing;
• principles of partnership and cooperation, social responsibility, active and comprehensive assistance to the development of the system of youth self-government;
• taking into account age and individual personality traits of students, their mental and physical health, needs and interests, individual, personal and collective achievements;
• individualization of educational work with foreign students;
• the development of a system for the prevention of delinquency, the expansion of the number of measures of moral and material responsibility for the committed offenses;
• raising the level of pedagogical competence, active and focused involvement of pedagogical workers in the education of students, improving the system of recording and evaluating the educational activities of pedagogical workers.

Ensuring the sustainable development of the college is based on maintaining the demand for services, income diversification and cost planning, taking into account development priorities and effective use of available resources, including the main tasks:

• preservation of recruitment rates for secondary specialized education;
• increase in the number of paid educational and other services;
• implementation of planned indicators for the export of educational services;
• attraction of funds from national and international funds, grants and programs;
• involvement of students in the framework of youth charitable initiatives in solving problems of ensuring the activities of the college;
• application of energy-saving and resource-saving technologies.

The development of the college management system is based on the following approaches:

• use in planning the structure, staff capacity and college resources of the criteria applicable to university colleges;
• use of indicators and performance indicators of managers, employees of structural units of the college, approved by the Ministry of Education for secondary special educational institutions;
• increasing the role of collegial bodies and self-government in planning the directions of the development of the college;
• introduction of computerized technologies and other ways of increasing productivity and efficiency of work;
• improvement of work with the personnel reserve, including young employees of the college;
• ensuring the observance of labor and performance discipline by all employees;
• de-bureaucratization of internal processes and relationships with customers and partners;
• provision of modern working and resting conditions for workers and students.

Strategic goals of the college

Goal 1. Form a system of training specialists, focused on meeting the actual needs of employers in the skill level of young professionals.

To achieve the goal, it is necessary to solve the following tasks:

Task 1. To optimize the activity of the pedagogical team in training specialists and qualitative improvement of the contingent of students.

Task 2. To increase the effectiveness of vocational guidance work in the aspect of attracting intellectual, creative youth to the college.

Task 3. Develop practical-oriented training and its methodological support.

Task 4. To improve the system of work with talented, gifted students.

Task 5. Provide a system of methodological, psychological and pedagogical support for the professional adaptation of graduates.

Task 6. To develop and deepen integration processes in the system of continuous professional training of college graduates.

Goal 2. Ensure the formation and development of personal qualities and professional competencies of teaching staff in the context of introducing educational innovations in the learning process.

To achieve the goal, it is necessary to solve the following tasks:

Task 1. To increase the quality and effectiveness of scientific, methodological, research activities.

Task 2. To increase the effectiveness of the educational process through the implementation of a comprehensive targeted program aimed at the effective implementation of the monitoring and evaluation component of learning activities.

Task 3. To develop the scientific and research potential of the pedagogical collective, to provide an increase in the number of innovative and receptive teachers - young specialists.

Task 4. To improve the complex and methodical support of the implementation of educational standards for specialties.

Goal 3. To ensure, in 5 years, the growth of revenues from extrabudgetary activities of at least 3% (in comparable units).

To achieve the goal, it is necessary to solve the following tasks:

Task 1. Ensure the fulfillment of the target admission rates of students on a fee basis.

Task 2. To increase the number of educational disciplines for the provision of additional paid educational services.

Goal 4. Create conditions for the formation of a highly cultured, intelligent and physically developed, socially active and highly professional personality of the future specialist.

To achieve the goal, it is necessary to solve the following tasks:

Task 1. To increase the proportion of students involved in public activities.

Task 2. To provide the conditions for developing the potential of talented and gifted students, their promotion in creative, innovative activities.

Task 3. To increase the effectiveness of work on the prevention of violations among students in the learning environment.

Task 4. Ensure effective psychological support of the upbringing process, a monitoring system for the quality of upbringing.

Task 5. To create favorable conditions for study and life of students who live in a hostel and in apartments.



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